An explanation of who we are:
This is a continually changing picture – follow the gradual muddying and clearing that can happen.
Remember who and what you really are under all that busy ness . .
– and what you can do to help yourself become more of who you are

If this moves you . . Look at this – absolutely lovely work.
Identification of the Soul (If you want to now more – please look to the Rainbow Bridge Phase 1)
The Phase 2 is about then clearing your own Anatakarana.
Back to undoing your self . . Start with the Invocation of the Soul
Here is more – big things become possible quickly when we let go of the personality . .
Perhaps if you wish to go further – look at this
Enjoy – becoming more of who you were always to be in this here and now . .
You may also like to get this book = as it is another version.